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(1863 - 1944)
Jane Milner RATCLIFF
(1862 - 1936)

No relationship
Henry Jepson PADDISON MC
(1896 - 1917)
 bd.  1896
 dd.   Aug 1917, age about 21; Langemarck, Belgium
 brd.   Aug 1917; Artillery Wood Cemetery, Boesinghe, near Ieper, Belgium
 edu.  1909-15 Blundell's School
 mil.  Worcestershire Regiment, British Army
 res.  UK
 src.   [84]

Notes for Henry Jepson PADDISON MC

Known as Harry.
1915 Sandhurst Cadetship.
1916 Commissioned into the Worcestershire Regiment.

Awarded MC for going over the parapet in daylight and bringing in a severely wounded man who was lying 75 yards from the enemy trenches and 150yds from his own.

Wounded twice in 1916.

Battlefield cross is in the porch of Withleigh church, Devon UK


84.  Email, John Graham, 3 November 2009

Family record last updated: 21 March 2023

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