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Fayette ADKINS
(1883 - 1924)
Matthew 'Matt' JUSTICE
( - 1938)

Married: 27 Jan 1945 [55]
(1922 - 1977)
 bd.  10 June 1922
 dd.  2 June 1977, age 54
 occ.  Miner, Musician, Preacher
 rel.  Old Regular Baptist Church
 mil.  Navy in WWII
 res.  Elkhorn City, Kentucky, USA
 src.   [55]
 dd.  Deceased, age not recorded
 res.  Elkhorn City, Kentucky, USA
 src.   [55]


Living children not displayed

Family notes for Jack ADKINS and Maxie JUSTICE

Daniels p.80

Notes for Jack ADKINS

Jack was a musician and played on local radio stations in Pikeville, Kentucky, in the 1940s and 50s. At that time he was known as 'Hobo Jack'.

When his mother, Fannie, died in 1938, he lived with his older sister, Chloe Ann Justice. He became a coal miner at the age of 17. He served in the navy in WWII. After he married Maxie Justice in 1945, they made their home in Millard, Kentucky, for a time.

Jack was of dark complexion, short in stature at 5 feet 8 inches tall, with brown eyes and a full head of hair that thinned out as he became older.

In love with music since he was a child, Jack got his first guitar by trading a squirrel dog for a .22 rifle, and trading the rifle and a bushel of corn for the guitar. He wrote many of his own songs and appeared on the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee, and became friends with many of the musicians that appeared there.

Jack, in later life, became a preacher in the Old Regular Baptist Church and gave up his music except for religious songs. In 1975 Jack returned to Pike County, Kentucky, from Ohio and opened up a record shop in Elkhorn City, Kentucky, but was not able to operate it very long because of poor health. [55]


55.  Book, Joseph T Daniels, 1988, Adkins of Eastern Kentucky and surrounding areas, Private publication, Library of Congress LC control #:88194814

Family record last updated: 16 March 2023

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